Where to find more information about machine errors in Husqvarna Fleet Services™

Husqvarna Fleet Services™ will receive and display error notifications for the machines added to a company.

To view the errors, open the Inventory and select a product to access the information.

Currently raised alarms are shown in the detailed machine view, just below the product image. This view shows any alarms that were active the last time the machine uploaded data to Husqvarna Fleet Services™. The errors with the highest severity will be shown in the top. The list can be expanded. Click the alarm to see more details and get guidance on how to resolve the issue.

To see the historical data, scroll down to the Operation log, which works in a similar fashion. It contains historical data for a machine, including any previous alarms and guidance on how to resolve the issues. For more information on an error, select a log entry. The list is sorted in chronological order

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