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10 tips for creating the best lawn in your neighborhood this spring

Spring has sprung! It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get outside. Here are some tips to get your yard ready for the warm season ahead.

1. Rake and clean up

Wait until any snow has melted and the soil begun to dry to start your spring cleaning. Use a rake or leaf blower to remove leaves, pine cones, sticks, scattered mulch and more. If left on the lawn, these debris can lead to mold and even decay. Add the debris to your compost pile to grow your supply of nutrient-rich soil.

2. Clear away weeds

Eliminate weeds early, before they gain energy from the sun and grow out of control. As an alternative to toxic herbicides, Automower® is an all-natural way to control the presence of weeds in your lawn.

350i Power Axe Chainsaw - Battery Action

3. Check your equipment

Make sure your outdoor power equipment is prepped and ready for the season ahead. Check fluid levels, charge batteries and sharpen blades.

Is it time to invest in a new mower? Read through our helpful buying guide.

4. Loosen soil

To freshen up the look of your flowerbeds, use a tiller or cultivator to loosen the soil, allowing oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. Consider an attachment-capable trimmer as a way to reduce the number of tools in your shed.

110iL Hedge Trimmer Attachment

5. Prune trees

Dead or dying limbs should be removed from your trees sooner rather than later. Fruit trees require pruning in order to bear fruit, and flowering trees need it to encourage attractive blooms. Just be careful not to cut too early, as the cuts will endanger the tree’s health if the temperature drops below freezing (Note: Trees carrying stoned fruits, such as cherry, apricot, plum and peach, should not be pruned in the spring.)

6. Trim hedges and bushes

Any hedge or bush with leaves on it should be trimmed during the early spring. Conifers are better trimmed during the growing season. Battery-powered hedge trimmers are lightweight and easy to start.

LE322R - Lawn Xpert

7. Mow the lawn

Itching to use your lawn mower? Your lawn needs time to recover after the winter months, so wait to cut until it has begun to actively grow. Also, don’t cut the grass too short the first couple of times – a grass level of two to three inches makes for a healthy and sustainable lawn. Alternatively, you can leave the work to Automower®.

8. Aerate as needed

If you didn’t aerate your lawn in the fall, do so now using an aerator. Aerating punches holes in the ground to add oxygen and nutrients to the soil, while providing a space for seeds to germinate.

122LKE Combi Edge

9. Edge the lawn

If you want your lawn’s appearance to really pop, don’t forget to trim the sides and edges. Sharp edges will complete the job, adding an additional level of detail and helping your lawn stand out beautifully.

10. Provide a home for birds

What’s the spring season without chirping birds? Now’s the time to put up a bird feeder or bird house in your yard to welcome some feathered friends.