
J-Handle / Barrier Bar Kit


Product Description

Converts loop handle trimmers to J-Handles for grass and brush blade use. Contains barrier bar, shoulder strap and suspension eyelet, blade locknut, support flange, 255-4 Grass Blade, support cup, combination guard, and socket wrench. Not to be used with Saw Blades.

Product Information

Compare specifications and features with similar Husqvarna products.

J-HANDLE KIT 325Lx/Lxt,322L,525L,525LS/LST before -18.

SKU: 537 04 85‑02

Product data
J-HANDLE KIT 325Lx/Lxt,322L,525L,525LS/LST before -18.
SKU: 537 04 85‑02

String Trimmers & Weed Eaters