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How to talk to Automower® using Google Home

This is a list of supported voice commands when you communicate with Automower® through Google Home. Try to avoid background noise, and speak naturally and clearly.

To do this ...Say ...AlternativesAction
Start/Resume/ContinueThis needs to be done manually in Automower Connect app for the moment.Automower resumes mowing according to schedule. If not in schedule, it will not mow until next scheduled start.
Pause“Hey Google, ask/tell Automower to pause”You can also use “stop”Automower will pause at its current location.
Park“Hey Google, ask/tell Automower to park”You can also use “return home,” “go back home” or “take a break.”Automower parks until next scheduled run.
Park until further notice“Hey Google, ask/tell Automower to park until further notice” Automower parks and waits for next command, ignoring schedules.
StatusHey Google, ask Automower about status”You can also use “what it is doing,” “to check status” or “What is Automower up to?”Tells the actual status and what Automower is doing right now. (No battery information.)
Help[In context] “I need some assistance”You can also use “Help” or “What can I do”